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Otter : Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice an integrated approach : An Integrated Approach

Artikel-Nr.: 2226999
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| 2007 | | Geb, F:19,3x25 cm, 343 S, Schwarzweißfotos, Sonagramme, Grafiken, Tabellen, Karten. | WG: Buch | Das Werk vermittelt aktuelles Wissen aus einer langjährigen Studie über Evolution, Verhalten, Reproduktion, Kommunikation und Schutz der nordamerikanischen Parus-Arten (z. B. Schwarzkopf-, Gabel- Carolina- oder Indianermeise) im Vergleich zu den europäischen Arten (z. B. Kohl- und Blaumeise) aber auch eurasischer Vertreter dieser Gruppe. Meisen haben zudem einen engen Bezug zu Menschen, durch Kontakt an Futterstellen oder deren Brut in künstlichen Nisthilfen. Sie zählen deshalb, insbesondere in Europa, zu den am besten untersuchten Vogelgruppen und lassen entsprechende Rückschlüsse, z. B. auch auf aktuelle Themen, wie die "globale Erwärmung der Erde" oder auch die Hybridisation von Vogelarten zu. | Contributions from the leading research teams involved with Parid research. Focuses on major research themes, including proximate mechanisms in behaviour and evolution, reproductive ecology and behaviour, communication and conservation. Compares and contrasts research findings on the Paridae of the New World with those of their Old World relatives (e.g. blue and great tits) Highlights directions for future research and collaboration.Chickadees and titmice are among the most popular birds in North America, due in large part to their readiness to use bird feeders, to nest in urban gardens, and even to be trained to take food from people's hands. These attributes have also made them (and their Eurasian tit counterparts) perhaps the most intensively studied bird family in the world. Long-term research in Europe has yielded some of the most comprehensive data on the impact of global warming on the breeding ecology of birds. Chickadees have amongst the best-studied and most complex vocal behaviour of any bird species, displaying one of the closest analogies to human sentence structure in the animal kingdom in their familiar chick-a-dee call. The social dominance hierarchies commonly witnessed in the form of squabbling at winter feeders are some of most stable and closely studied, and have huge impacts on controlling the lives of these small birds. Their food-storing behavior, and the brain and physiological mechanisms controlling this, has contributed significantly to our wider understanding of spatial orientation. In recent years, these birds have also been used as model species for investigating topics as diverse as inter-species hybridization, the impacts of forest fragmentation and complex systems of communication. In short, chickadees and titmice have contributed enormously to our understanding of a myriad of topics in ecology, behavior and psychology. This book brings together a range of experts from across North America who utilise chickadees or titmice as study organisms. Each chapter reviews the latest advances in evolution and behavioral research that have been accomplished through the study of North American Parids, and compares and contrasts this literature with research on their Eurasian counterparts as well as other avian families. This research level text is aimed at professional avian biologists and ornithologists as well as graduate students of avian behavioral ecology and evolution. It will also appeal to a more general audience of behavioural ecologists, neuroethologists and experimental psychologists. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Timalien, Meisen, Kleiber, Baumläufer (Tomalidae - Certhidae)
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