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Kushlan, Hafner : Heron Conservation :

Artikel-Nr.: 1709130_0000
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| 2000 | | Geb, F:15,3x22,9 cm, 496 S, zahlreiche Abbildungen. | WG: Buch | Darstellung der Situation der Reiher weltweit, die von Art zu Art sehr unterschiedlich sein kann. Insbesondere die differenzierte Biologie der Arten ist ein trägt dazu bei, ob die Art häufig oder sogar stark gefährdet ist. | Heron Conservation provides a comprehensive update following two distinct threads. The status and conservation needs of herons are first presented on a regional basis, in a series of chapters set at continental or subcontinental scale. Over 200 biologists and heron conservationists - many associated with the Heron Specialist Group sponsored by Wetlands International and IUCN - have contributed to the data summarised here and these very latest census and survey results provide the most up to date and detailed picture of heron populations currently available. Chapters discussing several critical issues in heron conservation follow, often focusing on the international nature of the problem. Many heron populations are migratory and depend upon conservation of both summer and wintering wetland habitats often located on different continents. Effective conservation of these wetlands of international importance depends in large part on local and regional socio-economic factors. Herons, to the extent that they require maintenance of wetland functioning, should be an integral part of sustainable wetland conservation. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Schreitvögel und Flamingos (Ciconiiformes)
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