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Davison : Chameleons :

Artikel-Nr.: 4640353
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1997 | | Geb, F:21x28 cm, 112 S, über 170 Farbfotos. | WG: Buch | | A comprehensive, easy-to-use guide. Chameleons shows how to choose a healthy chameleon, house and feed it, diagnose an treat problems, successfully bread and raise popular chameleon species, and much more. Linda Davison is professional chameleon breeder and co-owner of the largest chameleon farm in the world. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Geckos, Leguane, Chamäleons (Gekkonidae, Iguanidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonidae)
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