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Clayton, Moore : Host-Parasite Evolution : General Principles and Avian Models

Artikel-Nr.: 2224892
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1997 | | Kart, F:17x24 cm, 487 S, zahlr. Zeichnungen, Tabellen, Grafiken. | WG: Buch | | Current interest in host-parasite interactions is spread across many disciplines-immunology, evolution, ecology, endocrinology, sexual selection, behaviour, and organismal parasitology. This book is a comprehensive review that bridges the gap beetween evolutionary biologists and parasitologists. Some chapters deal with conceptual issues, such as demography or secual selection; other present nuts-and-bolts information about parasites themselves and methods used to study them. Because birds have figured prominently in such evolutionary work on host-parasite interactions, the emphasis is on avian systems, but other systems are included where relevant. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution
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