Price : Speciation in Birds :

Artikel-Nr.: 9645008
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 08 2007 | | Kart, F:17,8x25,4 cm, 480 S, zahlreiche Grafiken, Zeichnungen, Karten, überwiegend in Farbe. | WG: Buch | Neues umfassendes Werk über das Entstehen der Vogelarten von Trevor Price. Das Buch berücksichtigt alle Aspekte dieses Prozesses so-wohl genetisch, ökologisch als auch geographisch bedingt. | This major new title is a comprehensive review of speciation and its consequences in birds. The book covers a broad range of areas, from genetics to biogeography and from phylogeny to ecology. It will be of interest to geneticists, ecologists, animal behaviourists and anyone with an interest in bird speciation. Contents: Introduction; Geography and Ecology; Geographical Variation; Parapatric Speciation; Ecological Speciation; Ecological Controls and Speciation on Continents; Behavior and Ecology; Geographical Isolation and the Causes of Island Endemism; Social Selection; Social Selection and the Evolution of Song; Divergence in Response to Increased Sexual Selection; Social Selection and Ecology; Species Recognition; Mate Choice and the End of Speciation; Hybrid Zones; Genetic Incompatibility; Conclusions. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Allgemeine Vogelkunde (Ornithologie), Biologie der Vögel