Levy : Club George : The Diary of a Central Park Bird Watcher

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NEU | 2010 | | Geb/SU, F:14,8x21,5 cm, 380 S, zahlreiche s/w-Fotos. | WG: Buch | Mitten in der Stadt New York liegt ein interessantes Gebiet für Vogelbeobachter - der Central Park. Humorvoll und doch informativ berichtet Bob Levy über sein Birdwatching in diesem Refugium und die Begegnung mit "George" einem Rotschulterstärling. | Club George is a witty tale about one man's adventures with George, a particularly charismatic Red-winged Blackbird. Wryly humorous and brimming with affection for birds in general and George in particular, this book combines solid natural science with stylish prose and endearing photographs. The cast of characters includes creatures of all kinds, both human and not, and supporting roles are played by Pale Male and Lola, the famous Red-tailed Hawks whose nest was unceremoniously removed from their fancy Fifth Avenue building to a worldwide furor of protest. Both useful and entertaining, Club George covers everything from how to buy binoculars to fascinating trivia about New York's most famous park. This amusing gem will be welcomed by book-buying bird-watchers, Central Park enthusiasts, and armchair nature lovers everywhere. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Avifaunistik, Vogelbeobachtung (»Birdwatching«), Artenlisten, Sytematik