Wood, Cribb : A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo :

Artikel-Nr.: 9302059_0000
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| 1994 | | Kart, F:15,5x24,5 cm, 421 S, 96 Farbfotos, div. Zeichnungen. | WG: Buch | Liste aller bekannten Orchideenarten Borneos mit Hinweisen auf Standorte, beschreiber usw. | A listing of all the known species of orchids occurring in the whole island of Borneo, with accepted name, place, author of publication, and notes on habitat and distribution. Several new species are described and many are illustrated in colour and line drawings. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Orchideen (Wildformen) - Floren, Bestimmungswerke