Parker III : Voices of Peruvian Rainforest :

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| | | Audio-Kassette, Inlay. | WG: Bioakustik-Produkt | Rufe, Stimmen und Gesänge von 44 Vogel- und Säugetierarten des peruanischen Regenwaldes. | This audio guide identifies 44 denizens of the Peruvian rainforest. Accompanied by an informative narrative by the late Ted Parker. Explore this realm with one of the greatest field biologists to ever work in the Neotropics. Mastered from high fidelity opera reel recordings, these are some of the most evocative and impressive voices of the Amazon, including Great Potoo, Undulated Inamou, Red Howler Monkey, Musician Wren, Pale-winged Trumpeter, Horned Screamer, Lawrence's Thrush, Black Caiman, and Giant Otter. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Neotropis - Vögel, Avifaunen, Bestimmungswerke, Monografien neotropischer Vogelarten