Ross, Whitney : Voices of Costa Rican Birds, Caribbean Slope :

Artikel-Nr.: 9079618
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| | | Audio-CD, Booklet. | WG: Bioakustik-Produkt | Stimmen und Gesänge von 220 Vogelarten des Karibik zugewandten Teils Costa Ricas. | An audio guide to more than 220 species of birds found on the Caribbean Slope of Costa Rica, at middle elevations, in the foothills and in the lowlands. Includes many commonly heard vocalists as well as less frequently observed Caribbean Slope specialties. A "must have" for the birder who plans to visit any of the following sites: Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve's Penas Blancas Valley, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Parque Nacional Cahuita, Parque Nacional Tortuguero, OTS Finca La Selva (and Puerto Viejo vicinity), Rara Avis, Reserva Biologica Hitoy-Cerere, Reserva de Vida Silvestre Tapanti, Virgen del Socorro, as well as any Costa Rican rainforest locality. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Neotropis - Vögel, Avifaunen, Bestimmungswerke, Monografien neotropischer Vogelarten