Galbraith, Taylor, Percival, Davies (Hrsg.) : The Ecology and Conservation on European Owls :

Artikel-Nr.: 9074005
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| 1992 | | Kart, F:21x29,7 cm, 110 S, 5 Farbfotos, zahlr. Tabellen und Zeichnungen. | WG: Buch | | These 12 papers plus 5 ‘posters’ constitute the proceedings of an international conference held at Edinburgh University in 1989. Topics covered include population dynamics of Fennoscandian owls; habitat use by farmland tawny owls; effects of new rodenticides on owls; and the ecology and conservation of the eagle owl in south-east Spain. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Europa - Vogelwelt, Avifaunen, Bestimmungswerke, Monografien europ. Vogelarten