Gerritsen, Parson: Masdevallias - Gems of the Orchid World

Artikel-Nr.: 7390737

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11/2005 | Geb, F:19x25,5 cm, 300 S, 149 Farbfotos, 2 Schwarzweißfotos, 32 Zeichnungen, 2 farbige Karten. | WG: Buch | | For the indoor plant hobbyist, intermediate orchid grower, or anyone simply "mad about masdevallias," this is a first complete reference to these collectible orchids. An inspiring tribute to their beauty and a practical guide to their care, the book offers detailed advice on all aspects of culture. For those enthusiasts who are up to a challenge, chapters on propagating, showing, and registering masdevallias are also included. | [E] |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Orchideen (Wildformen) - Floren, Bestimmungswerke