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Artikel-Nr.: 3108935
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| 2005 | Reprint der Auflage der zweiten Auflage von 1997 | Geb (Kst), F;:15,5x23,2 cm, 1157 S, zahlreiche Bestimmungszeichnungen von Hilli Thompson, Schwarzweißfotos. | WG: Buch | Beschreibungen von zirka 4500 Pflanzenarten der britischen Inseln. | New Flora of the British Isles is the standard work on British plant identification. It is designed to be user-friendly, serving as a practical database for taxonomists, ecologists, conservationists, plant geographers, teachers and students, as well as for amateur botanists and plant hunters. The Flora includes all native, naturalised and crop plants, and all recurrent casuals. Over 150 pages of specially prepared illustrations are provided to aid identification of critical groups and less familiar alien taxa. Technical terms are kept to an essential minimum. In this new edition the text has been revised thoroughly throughout and adjustments made to many of the illustrations to ensure that the work is fully up-to-date. Over 200 species and subspecies have been added, together with numerous extra hybrids, bringing the total number of taxa covered to over 4500. Updated - line by line revision of the text and adjustment of many of the illustrations ensure that the work is fully up-to-date • Expanded - over 200 species and subspecies have been added, plus numerous extra hybrids bringing the total number to over 4500 • New look - improved internal design provides a more attractive and easier-on-the-eye layout. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Europa - Pflanzen, Floren, Pilze, Bestimmungswerke, Monografien europ. Pflanzenarten und Pilze