| 1996 | | CD-ROM/Booklet. | WG: Multimedia, Software, CD-ROM | [Ökologie; Systematik; Taxonomie; Meeresbiologie; Hummer]. | This interactive CD-ROM comprises a thesaurus of information on more than 140 lobster species, with detailed drawings, full-colour pictures of each lobster species and a richly illustrated interactive identification key. In addition, this CD-ROM offers world distribution maps for all lobsters, a glossary of more than 300 scientific terms, and detailed literature references. | [E] | Systemvoraussetzungen (mindestens): IBM/kompatibler PC, 486er, mind. 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.x/95/98, VGA mit 256 Farben, 4fach CD-ROM, Windows kompatible Soundkarte. | ETI - The World of Biodiversity Database