| 1997 | | CD-ROM/Booklet. | WG: Multimedia, Software, CD-ROM | | For all 70 dragonfly (Odonata) species encountered as adults in The Netherlands, including also the majority of all European species, this CD-ROM gives a synopsis of the larval stage, with colour photographs and drawings and extensive information on the taxonomy and biogeography, including many distribution maps. Being fully hyperlinked, the identification key on the CD-ROM makes it easy to identify each species; many references help to find the way to the most important publications on these beautiful insects. | NL | Systemvoraussetzungen (mindestens): IBM/kompatibler PC, 486er, mind. 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.x/95/98, VGA mit 256 Farben, 4fach CD-ROM, Windows kompatible Soundkarte. | ETI - The World of Biodiversity Database