| 08 2006 | | Kart, 14x23 cm, 14x23 cm, 168 S, zahlreiche Abbildungen. | WG: Buch | Doñana und die Guadalquivir-Sümpfe sind Gebiete von hoher Biodiversität und einem bemerkenswerten Artenreichtum. Der neue aktuelle »Site-Guide« von Jorge Garzón und Francisco Chiclana beschreibt 23 für Vogelbeobachter interessante Gebiete, mit der Möglichkeit 288 ständig in den Gebieten vorkommende Arten antreffen zu können. Das Buch liefert zahlreiche wichtige Informationen, Karten und Farbfotos, im Detail genaue geographische Koordinaten und den phänologischen Status der entsprechenden Art. | Doñana and the Guadalquivir marshes are recognised as one of the most outstanding and diverse natural areas in Europe. The region boasts not only an exceptional variety of wildlife, but also the presence of numerous rare species, the most interesting of which are usually well hidden. Finding these species depends on your knowledge of the best points of observation and how to get to them. Where to Watch Birds in Doñana takes you to these secret nooks by means of 23 itineraries, the best possible way to discover the 288 basic species in Doñana and its surroundings. Jorge Garzón and Francisco Chiclanas itinerary descriptions are sprinkled with photographs, maps and practical information as well as birdwatching tips. This is the first book of its kind to include a species locator by itinerary, UTM geographical coordinates and the phenological status of various species. Written and illustrated by authors with first-hand knowledge and much bird-tour leading experience in the region. Includes practical information such as access details, maps, UTM coordinates and, for the very first time, a bird species finder and a local phenology table. The landscape and bird images are superb and descriptive throughout, and, combined with the definitive text and up-to-date information, result in the book for which we have all been waiting. | [E] | |