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Dawson : Kangaroos :

Artikel-Nr.: 9339317
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1998 | | Kart, F:17x24 cm, 120 S, dg. farbige Abbildungen. | WG: Buch | | Kangaroos are among the strangest of all mammals. This is not so much because they are marsupials and keep their young in a pouch but because they hop. They are the only large animals in the history of vertebrates to have hopped. Author Terry Dawson gets to the heart of what makes these animals special. He shows how many features of their biology, such as their reproductive patterns, social structure and locomotor characteristics, confer great advantages in their adaptations to Australia's harsh climate and demanding environment. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Schnabeltiere, Kängurus, Koalas (Monotremata, Metatheria)
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