1 - 10 von 65 Ergebnissen

Reichholf : Das Rätsel der Menschwerdung : Die Entstehung des Menschen im Wechselspiel mit der Natur

Artikel-Nr.: 1463006

innerhalb 3-4 Tagen lieferbar

Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

1997 | Kart, F:12,5x19 cm, 287 S, 22 Zeichnungen von Fritz Wendler. | WG: Buch | Der Mensch stammt aus Afrika, das steht heute zweifelsfrei fest. Dort richteten sich unsere frühesten Vorfahren auf, entwickelten Füße, die zu langen Wanderungen taugten, und Hände, die geschickter wurden als die jedes anderen Primaten. Wie ein Detektiv verfolgt Josef H. Reichholf die unterschiedlichsten Spuren der menschlichen Entstehungsgeschichte. | [D] |

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Kutschera : Tatsache Evolution : Was Darwin nicht wissen konnte

Artikel-Nr.: 1464707
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 2009 | | Kart, F:15x21cm, 339 S, 103 Abbildungen. | WG: Buch | Götter, Geister und Designer sind nicht Gegenstand der Wissenschaft. Gegenstand der Wissenschaft sind Dinge und Ereignisse, die experimentell und durch Dokumente nachweisbar sind. Wenn wir zwanzig Skelette von Tyrannosaurus Rex gefunden haben, die etwa 66 Millionen Jahre alt sind, dann muss man es als Faktum hinnehmen, dass es im Mesozoikum Populationen mit Riesen-Dinosauriern gegeben hat, die später ausgestorben sind. Es gibt keinen Zweifel daran, dass Evolution stattgefunden hat.Die Evolutionstheorie erklärt diesen Prozess des Andersartigwerdens der Organismen. Was Evolution bedeutet, erläutert der international renommierte Evolutionsbiologe Ulrich Kutschera in diesem Buch. Er schildert die Geschichte der Evolutionstheorie und ihrer Protagonisten, allen voran Charles Darwin, und stellt den aktuellen Stand der Forschung dar, die seit Darwin erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht hat. | | [D] | |

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Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Schopf : Evolution! : Facts and Fallacies

Artikel-Nr.: 1708860
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1998 | | Kart, F:, 160 S, zahlr. Abb. | WG: Buch | Inhalt: The Evolution of life. Dating the Timeline of Life's History. Missing Links in the History of Life. Beyond Reason: Science in the Mass Media. Breakthrough Discoveries: Extraordninary Claims! Extraordinary Evidence? Are We Alone in the Cosmos? | | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Whittaker : Island Biogeography : Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation

Artikel-Nr.: 2220020_0000
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1998 | | Kart, F:19x24,5 cm, 296 S, zahlr. Grafiken, Tabell, s/w-Fotos. | WG: Buch | | Islands provide us with natural laboratories in developing theories and models to understand how evolution works. Island Biogeography is a new textbook, accessible to advanced undergraduates and graduate students from geography and the life sciences. The first low-level textbook to be written on the topic since 1981, it provides a much needed synthesis of recent developments across the discipline, linking current theoretical debates on island evolution and ecology with applied island ecology and its uses in conservation. Wide-ranging, authoritative, and accessible, this is a truly up-to-date review of a fascinating and important subject in evolution and ecology. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Grant : Evolution on Islands : Originating from contributions to a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society of London

Artikel-Nr.: 2220171_0000
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1998 | | Kart, F:15,7x23,6 cm, 348 S, zahlr. Zeichnungen, Grafiken, Tabellen. | WG: Buch | | The study of patterns and processes of evolution on islands has played an important role in the development of an understanding of how and why evolution occurs. Small, discrete pieces of the environment, islands are frequently isolated from the continental processes of gene flow and are thus inhabited by unique species. With such rapidily diversifying evolution, it is easy to see why islands have been referred to as 'natural experiments'. This unique book surveys our current knowledge and understanding of island evolution in several chapters written by experts in various aspects of microevolution, speciation, and adaptive radiation. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Smith: Evolutionary Genetics

Artikel-Nr.: 2220231

Derzeit/kurzzeitig nicht auf Lager

Alter Preis 55,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

2000 | 2. Auflage. | Kart, F:19x24,6 cm, 330 S, 2 Farbtafeln, zahlr. Diagramme, Tabellen und Zeichnungen. PoD | WG: Buch | The second edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect new findings and research interests arising in this fast-moving and exciting area of biology. | [E] | Aust.Ex., Preisreduziert, anstatt € 55,00 |

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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Evolution, Aktionstitel mit Preisnachlass

Bennett, Owens : Evolutionary Ecology of Birds : Life Histories, Mating Systems and Extinctions

Artikel-Nr.: 2221089
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 2002 | | Kart, F:15,6x23,4 cm, 272 S, 55 Zeichnungen. | WG: Buch | | Most comprehensive reappraisal since Lack's Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds. Identifies and tests crucial questions in evolutionary ecology. Incorporates cutting-edge theoretical and conceptual advances in the study of avian behaviour and ecology. Identifies unresloved problems in the explanation of avian diversity that merit further study Vivid demonstration of the power of the modern comparative method. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Clayton, Moore : Host-Parasite Evolution : General Principles and Avian Models

Artikel-Nr.: 2224892
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 1997 | | Kart, F:17x24 cm, 487 S, zahlr. Zeichnungen, Tabellen, Grafiken. | WG: Buch | | Current interest in host-parasite interactions is spread across many disciplines-immunology, evolution, ecology, endocrinology, sexual selection, behaviour, and organismal parasitology. This book is a comprehensive review that bridges the gap beetween evolutionary biologists and parasitologists. Some chapters deal with conceptual issues, such as demography or secual selection; other present nuts-and-bolts information about parasites themselves and methods used to study them. Because birds have figured prominently in such evolutionary work on host-parasite interactions, the emphasis is on avian systems, but other systems are included where relevant. | [E] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Brasier : Darwin's Lost World : The early history of life on Earth

Artikel-Nr.: 2224897
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 02 2009 | | Geb, F:13,8x21,6 cm, 288 S, 20 Schwarzweißfotos, 8 S mit Farbabbildungen. | WG: Buch | | Darwin made a powerful argument for evolution in the Origin of Species, based on all the evidence available to him. But a few things puzzled him. One was how inheritance works - he did not know about genes. This book concerns another of Darwin's Dilemmas, and the efforts of modern palaeontologists to solve it. What puzzled Darwin is that the most very ancient rocks, before the Cambrian, seemed to be barren, when he would expect them to be teeming with life. Darwin speculated that this was probably because the fossils had not been found yet. Decades of work by modern palaeontologists have indeed brought us amazing fossils from far beyond the Cambrian, from the depths of the Precambrian, so life was certainly around. Yet the fossils are enigmatic, and something does seem to happen around the Cambrian to speed up evolution drastically and produce many of the early forms of animals we know today. In this book, Martin Brasier, a leading palaeontologist working on early life, takes us into the deep, dark ages of the Precambrian to explore Darwin's Lost World. Decoding the evidence in these ancient rocks, piecing together the puzzle of what happened over 540 million years ago to drive what is known as the Cambrian Explosion, is very difficult. The world was vastly different then from the one we know now, and we are in terrain with few familiar landmarks. Brasier is a master storyteller, and combines the account of what we now know of the strange creatures of these ancient times with engaging and amusing anecdotes from his expeditions to Siberia, Outer Mongolia, Barbuda, and other places, giving a vivid impression of the people, places, and challenges involved in such work. He ends by presenting his own take on the Cambrian Explosion, based on the picture emerging from this very active field of research. A vital clue involves worms - burrowing worms are one of the key signs of the start of the Cambrian. This is fitting: Darwin was inordinately fond of worms. | [E] | Angekündigt zum 12.02.2009. |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution

Johanson, Edgar : Lucy und ihre Kinder :

Artikel-Nr.: 2421049
Preis inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versand (innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei ab € 30,00 Warenkorb, Mindestbestellwert € 19,50)

| 2000 | | Kart, F:25x29,8 cm, 272 S, dg. Farbfotos. | WG: Buch | | | [D] | |
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Evolution
1 - 10 von 65 Ergebnissen